Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Whatever you do..."

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man." Colossians 3:23.

This life is full of challenges and endless striving if we forget the One who compels us to work for God's glory and not our own...

This life we have is short... here today, gone tomorrow... what will make our life count? What makes it important? How are we spending our time?

May EVERYTHING we do be pointing to Jesus. May we make the name of Jesus known.

I ache more and more in the pain of my sin and the whole world's state of sinfulness... but the more and more I ache in that reality, I praise the Lord for the truth of absolutely amazing, out of this world, incredible LOVE and grace that invites me into personal relationship with the ONE true God.

Oh, my faithful, loving Father, thank you so much... Help me to walk each step of my life covered in your amazing grace and opening up opportunities to share that amazing love and grace with all you bring across my path. May any work that I put my hands to be drenched in your blessing and power, drawing others to you... and not to me or any other thing. I love you, Lord. Thanks for loving me first so that I could walk through this life learning to love you more. Uh huh.. Amen. :)