Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm flustered...

I drove to Pella this morning to run some various errands.
On my way into town I noticed a man walking along the highway... He was going the opposite way as me, out of town, but it was wet and rainy, and I felt kinda bad for him.
I sorta put it outta my mind until on my drive home... he was still walking. He'd made it maybe a little less than 10 miles or so. It's still icky and rainy and gross out... and then my heart broke. I wanted to give him a ride to wherever he needed to go. I called my mom, because I knew what she'd tell me... don't pick him up Meg. Not alone, very unwise... yada yada... Somehow deep down I do kinda agree and think she's right, that's why I called her for the pep talk. At the same time...somewhere even deeper down I kinda feel like I shoulda/coulda pulled over and helped this guy out...

So, I cried...

And then, moments after the tears started to roll, I remembered the most important work of all. Prayer. I just spent the rest of my drive home praying for the man, and his family, and... whatever situation was going on in his life that he had to walk along the highway with one bag slung over his back... And I just kept crying... crying for this lost, hurt, and broken world. Blah... God, keep working your redemptive work through all of our brokenness... please, Come, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, come...


Lynnette said...

I'm sorry you're flustered. I understand completely. And I am very proud of you that you decided to pray for the man and pray well for him, not just a passing "help him" prayer like some might do. I'm always torn in situations like that. Do you be "smart/safe/etc." and not pick up the person who could be a deranged whatever-kind-of-criminal. Or do you pick him up because he could be an angel in disguise, and he could be "one of the least of these". May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you as you come across situations like this in life.

The Blakes said...

I've been there so many times girl! I'm so glad you prayed for him...I think that's the wise decision and besides if God really wanted you to pick him up then you would have known beyond just sympathy for the man... Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I love you girl! And that's all I really wanted to say...

Oh, and my "word verification" letters are "joyinere" cool is that? Coincidence? I think not.